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 Information about animals

Animals 2 Types of animals 3 Nutrition of animals 4 Senses in animals 5 The way animals coexist with each other in nature 6 Communication between animals and their language 7 Behavior of animals 8 Related references Did you know about animals General information about animals The origin of animals Animals are considered one of the basic divisions of living organisms, and they are grouped together In one group called (Animalia), they are all characterized by being multicellular and eukaryotic of different shapes and sizes. It is not possible to determine the time point at which animals began to appear, but their appearance is estimated at least millions of years ago, and it is believed that the origin of animals is organisms. Multicellular mollusk, extant animalsThe extinct ones are currently classified into about (30-35) different phyla.[1] Animals that share the same characteristics are classified into specific categories, and the classification of animals contains the following: [2] Scope. Kingdom. Division. Sect. Rank. Secondary rank. Family. Sex. Type. Types of animals Animals are divided into the following types: [3] Invertebrates: The most important thing that distinguishes them is that they do not have a backbone, and among them are: worms, octopuses, and insects. Fish: The oldest types of vertebrate animals, and are divided into: great fish, cartilaginous fish, and jawless fish. Amphibians: They are distinguished by their lifestyle between land and water, and are divided into two types: legless and legless. Reptiles: A number of species descend from reptiles, the most important of which are: crocodiles, snakes and lizards, in addition to turtles, all of which are cold-blooded. Birds: Birds are of many types of animals, all distinguished by the feathers that cover them, and they are warm-blooded. Mammals: They are the most advanced, least diverse, and warm-blooded animals. Nutrition of animals Animals differ in the way they feed, and the following is the classification of animals according to food: Herbivores Herbivores feed on plants only, and their digestive tract is qualified to digest different types of plants, but some herbivores focus on a specific part of the plant only; Like seedsAnd fruits. These animals have incisors in the front part of the jaw that contribute to increasing their ability to catch and cut their food, in addition to having front molars to grind food. Most of these animals are large in size, and they eat during most of their day to provide themselves with sufficient energy, and examples include: [4] the cow. . Deer. Stag. Carnivores Carnivores feed on other animals, whether herbivorous or carnivorous, and their sizes vary between small and large. They are also characterized by having sharp teeth and strong jaws, and most of them have prominent fangs. To tear apart its prey, examples of which include: [5] the lion. wolf. Falcon. Frog.Omnivores are distinguished by their diet that combines plants and animals, and this diversity follows the nature of the available food. They hunt other animals, whether herbivorous or carnivorous, and feed on fruits and vegetables, but their digestive system does not enable them to digest some types of plants. Such as grains and herbsFor example, the cats' teeth help in tearing and grinding food at the same time, as they have sharp teeth in addition to flat molars, [5] and examples include: [4] the bear. Ground squirrel. Raccoon. Senses in animals Some animals have extraordinary senses that exceed the capabilities of humans, and these senses help them live in a way appropriate to their environment, including: [6] Birds of prey have; Like eagles, they have an extraordinary sense of sight that helps them see details from miles away. Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, which enables them to recognize distant odors. Antennae for insects are multi-sensory, through which they can smell, taste, touch, and hear. A bee can see ultraviolet rays, and this helps it track flowers whose petals reflect this type of rays. Fish eyes have only rods and lack cones, so it can be predicted that they cannot see colors. Cats of all kinds never taste sweet. Dogs do not distinguish between green and red, and this is called color blindness. Chickens have eyes that are sensitive to light flashes. The way animals coexist with each other in nature. Animals use different ways of coexistence, which is the way animals adapt to each other, by establishing symbiotic relationships in which two species exchange their interests, so each party meets a specific benefit. Examples of this include: [7] The relationship between the buffalo and the heron: so the heron feeds. On harmful insects presentOn the body of the buffalo, and the buffalo gets to clean its body.The existing relationship between zebras and ostriches: which is based on symbiosis to benefit from the donkey’s keen eyesight and the ostrich’s wonderful sense of smell, and thus their stay together contributes to increasing safety in alerting to the presence of predators. The relationship between the Egyptian crocodile and the plover: These two animals embody a strange friendship. The plover cleans the crocodile’s teeth and gets its meal from it. Communication between animals and their language. Animals communicate to express their feelings among themselves and can convey information to members of their species if they want to. However, they do not have a language like human languages. [8] Among the ways they communicate are the following: [9] Visual communication: Visual communication in animals is divided into Two types; Shows and signals, examples of which include raising the dogHe flaunts his tail to express his happiness, and the male yellow goldfinch flaunts his feathers to attract femalesAuditory communication: Animals make various sounds to express something; Such as joy, calling friends, pain, and threats. Dog barking indicates a threat to strangers, and dolphins express themselves to others by making sounds. Chemical communication: Chemical communication expresses a method used by some species of animals to communicate, which is by leaving chemical signs. Such as smells, and these smells act as a threat or an attraction for mating, including the behavior of a skunk when it feels afraid. Tactile communication: Animals touch in attempts to demonstrate affection, or sometimes show control. Examples of this include: Cats touching their children, and some animals cleaning their family members. Animal Behavior Animal behavior includes the following: Predation: Animals are divided into domestic animals and predatory animals that attack others. Predation is a common behavior in animals. Some animals feed by hunting, individually or in groups, and have senses that help them do so. Such as strong hearing and keen eyesight.[10] Mating: This behavior includes attraction at first, followed by courtship and intercourse, and some animal parents feel paternity toward their children and enjoy their care for a period of time. [11] Coexistence: Animals form symbiotic friendship relationships among themselves that ensure the achievement of their interests through them, and they benefit. Both sides of the relationship in some way.[7] Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that have multiple types and specific classifications, and have many senses that help them live. They also differ among themselves in their methods of nutrition. Some are carnivores, some are herbivores, and some feed on both types. Animals also differ in their ways of adapting to the surrounding conditionsAnd their coexistence with other animals. In addition, animals are creatures that interact with each other and with others through a number of communication methods, but they do not have a special language. 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