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money and business The art of clothing photography for your store

 money and business

The art of clothing photography for your store

money and business

The art of clothing photography for your store

If you own a clothing store, you will carry out advertising campaigns to market your product and bring customers and buyers to the commodity you are marketing.

Professional photography of clothes is an indispensable task for shop owners and online stores, as the customer's purchase decision depends on the extent of his confidence and conviction in the presented images. Because he can't actually preview the product. However, the art of photographing clothes is not limited to taking pictures of products and displaying them, but rather goes beyond that to take into account accuracy and professionalism in highlighting the details and making them conform to reality. So what are the basics of clothing photography to get attractive results?

First: Choosing the shooting method

The method used in photographing clothes differs from one case to another and from one product to another. But in general, these methods are divided into three types, and they are:

Use of models: This type of clothing photography gives a human character to products, as buyers prefer to visualize and actually see the product before buying it. Also, the presence of a mannequin will help you in photographing clothes in different poses.

Using mannequins: If you do not have the sufficient budget to hire a professional mannequin, you can replace him with a mannequin dedicated to photographing clothes, which will serve the purpose of displaying the product in a human form.

Flatbed photography: This method is not very expensive and usually gives you a lot of flexibility during the shooting process. It consists of placing the clothes on a flat surface. But to achieve the art of photographing clothes through it, the pictures should be taken in a suitable display environment, and photographed from different angles.

Second: prepare imaging tools

It doesn't take a lot of tools to get the right photos, here is the set of tools that should be prepared and made sure of their quality before shooting:


Make sure you use the right camera that gives you the best picture of the product. It is not necessary to use an expensive camera to ensure the quality of the images. A mobile camera may be appropriate sometimes. The important thing is that the photographic result is clear and shows the details efficiently. It is recommended that the resolution of the mobile camera not be less than 12 megapixels, and 50 megapixels for digital cameras.

Also take care of adjusting the settings of your digital camera. to ensure proper imaging. Adjust shutter speed, color-processing settings, and white balance to suit the type of lighting used in the shooting process. Use standard-type camera lenses instead of wide lenses. In order not to distort the details of the product.

Tripod camera stand

The camera mount helps prevent camera shake while shooting, so you get crystal-clear photos. The digital camera or mobile camera stand features three legs, which you can bend to control the shooting height accurately.


The right lighting is one of the most important factors in the art of clothing photography, so pay a lot of attention to the quality of lighting so that you can highlight the details of your products. Try as much as possible to photograph in natural lighting such as daylight, and if this is not available, you can use special searchlights for photography, but place them oppositely so that no shadows occur during the photography process. Also, make sure that the lighting colors are neutral so that they do not affect the colors of the clothes themselves.

the background

The background is an essential part of the image, especially in flat-plane photography. In general, choose backgrounds that match the clothes you display. If you are photographing women's fashion, it is good to use feminine backgrounds, and if the costumes are formal, it is preferable to use white backgrounds or basic colors such as black or gray, for example. It is preferable that the backgrounds do not include a lot of graphics and colors; In order not to distract the customer from focusing on the details of the clothes.

Third: Preparing the products before shooting

Now that you have the tools ready, it's time to prepare the products to be photographed, namely the clothes. Here are a bunch of important tips to prepare clothes in a way that is perfectly suitable for photography:

Make sure the clothes are clean before photographing them. Use dry cleaning to remove any existing stains, especially on delicate fabrics.

Use a lint roller to remove any excess threads, lint or hair on the piece of clothing, so as not to give the customer the impression of poor quality of the clothing.

Make sure to iron the clothes using steam to get rid of any bends or wrinkles in the clothes, as not paying attention to this matter may result in bad photos, no matter how professional the tools are.

Examine the details of the piece of clothing very carefully, and make sure that everything is intact, that there is no tear or burn somewhere. Also, keep in mind that the piece is tidy and its details are organized, so that the buttons are closed, for example.

Fourth: Take pictures of the clothes

Now, after confirming the influencing elements in the art of clothing photography, comes the step of taking pictures. Take pictures from different angles, and consider photographing the details of each piece, such as photographing the embroidery woven on the piece of clothing, the prints on it, or any other details that the customer wants to see and help him make a purchase decision.

Take several shots of the product and choose the appropriate images from them, then make the necessary adjustments to increase the clarity and aesthetics of the clothes, such as increasing the color saturation or brightening the images more. But avoid making too many adjustments, as the images lose their quality and realism.

3 important tips to master the art of clothing photography

1. Fix the clothes well

If your store's clothes are photographed flat or on a mannequin, the position of the clothes may wobble, disrupt the look you want to photograph, and need to be adjusted frequently. So take care of fixing the clothes well by using staples and adhesives. To look neat without the hassle of trying to fix it while shooting. It will also help you hide wrinkles and kinks in the product and make the clothes tighter and more attractive.

2. Maintain uniformity in clothing images

To keep your online store looking professional, you'll need to maintain a consistent look for your shooting results for different pieces of clothing. Not every piece has a different photography pattern, background colors and different shapes. This affects the general appearance when displaying clothes on your store’s product page, or on your store’s pages on social networking sites such as Instagram, as the professionalism of your store is negatively affected.

Accordingly, make sure that all images displayed are the same size and style, and that the position of the product is uniform in all images, so that the piece of clothing is in the middle of the image, for example, of different types and shapes.

3. Use a shadow reflector while shooting

No matter how hard you try to use the right lighting tools during your photography, the issue of shadows may be a must. You can avoid this problem by placing a reflector directly in front of the light source, thus preventing the presence of shadows, and obtaining images that are free of shadows and are isolated with only product details.
