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 How to train cats

How to train cats

 Raising Himalayan cats How to raise cats How to train cats There are many ways to deal with cats, the most prominent of which is play; She loves petting, especially touching her jaw, patting the top of her head, and massaging the back of her neck and her front and back legs. The cat must be vaccinated against common and contagious diseases, such as secretions, fever, and intestinal inflammation, and this is done by injecting it with antibiotics for common and contagious diseases.[1] Basic training for cats One of the most important points in training cats is training them to know their name, especially while they are eating, and the reason for this is that the cat during the feeding stage is a good listener and listens directly to everything around him. Food is very essential in training; It is the reward that makes the cat realize that he has done a good job, and that he must do more of it in order to obtain other rewards.[1] Video you may like: When starting to train a cat, it is advisable to prepare a tool that emits a fixed type of sound, such as a whistle or a clicker (a tool that has a bell that rings with every pressure), as such sounds help attract the cat’s attention and let him know that he is undergoing training, and the usual method is Use the whistle or bell and thenProviding food to the cat, and thus he can associate the sounds made by these tools with the training session, and without them he will not understand why the food reward is given to him and he will consider it just a gift.[1] Calling the cat, for example, to train the cat to come to its owner when desired, must begin at mealtime. Before opening the cat's food can or pouring its contents into the dish, the trainer must ring his vocal tool once. With a little repetition, the cat will understand that the issuance of this sound means that something good has happened (which is that he will get food), and so he will take the initiative to come to his owner as soon as he hears the sound. If it is issued outside meal timesThe usual.You can start by calling the cat from a short distance, and reward it - when it comes - with some food, and after that the cat will get used to it. [1] Using the bathroom Cats can also be trained to use the bathroom, but this may be a little difficult. In normal situations, the cat must have a waste container in which it knows to leave its waste. The trick is to constantly change the location of the container. First, he must be moved to the bathroom, then he must be gradually brought closer to the bathroom chair until the cat gets used to being close to him.[1] Finally, it must be placed on top of the chair so that it is forced to climb on top of it whenever it wants to relieve itself. In the end, the bowl can be removed completely, and when the cat does not find it, it will start using the bathroom chair in a normal way.[1] Request When you want to train the cat to beg or request things, the owner can simply raise a piece of food in front of him (slightly above his head), and then imitate the begging movement. The cat will then have to stand on its hind legs and raise its body and front legs to be able to reach the cat. the food.[1] After that, the sound tool must be clicked to give the cat a sign that this was training, and then food should be presented to it. After some training, the cat will be ready to stand and perform this request movement without being given any food.[1] Training methods for cats Contrary to the common belief that training cats is difficult and not fun, training cats is a very enjoyable and effective way for the breeder to communicate with his cat. [2] Many methods can be used to train cats, such as: licking the hands. Cats can be encouraged to Licking hands by giving them a reward, and withholding a reward from themAs a means of reducing biting, the breeder can place ready-made paste food (which can be purchased from a pet store) on his hand or fingers, and make the cat lick it while repeating the word (gentle), and if the cat starts biting, the breeder must calmly withdraw his hand away from it.[ 2] Search game: The cat can be taught to search through a simple game, by using the hands by placing the food that the cat loves in one hand while leaving the other hand empty, or using small bowls and placing the food under one bowl and leaving the other empty.[2] If the cat licks the hand or pecks on a bowl, then it can be detected and a reward given to it, and if it starts biting the hand or scratching with its claws, the breeder can say to it firmly (quietly).[2] Target game: The cat can be trained in the target game by using a tennis ball, a stick, or even a pencil, and training the cat to go to this target constantly, but after choosing the target, the same target must be used in every training, meaning the target must not be changed. every-time.[3] For example, you can play the target game here with the cat by using a stick, either homemade or purchased from a pet supply store.[2] In this game, the educator teaches the cat to pay attention to the target by extending the stick slightly in front of the cat’s nose. The moment the cat touches the stick, the educator pats it and gives it a reward. When the cat moves towards the target reliably, the educator must say the word “goal” in order for it to be stored. This behavior is in her memory.[2] Sit: This command is one of the most famous commands given to dogs during their training, and it is the simplest and easiest type of command to teach, and there is no reason that could prevent the cat from learning this command as well, and this is through it receiving a reward every time it does it. By responding to the command.[4] When the cat sits, the breeder can pat it and give it a reward. The cat will get used to it and will sit whenever it wants food. The breeder can say the word (sit) when he feels that the cat is about to sit.[2] It can then be attracted to the place where it wants to sit, by using a target toy stick, and whenever the cat does this correctly, the breeder pats it and rewards it with food it likes.[2] Staying on the rug A cat rug can be made by placing a piece of cloth or towel on a table or sofa; Cats are naturally curious creatures and love to explore everything new they see. As soon as the cat steps on the carpet, the breeder pats it and throws food to it as a reward away from the carpet. Then the cat will return to the carpetTo throw food to her again.[2] Therefore, as soon as the cat enters the rug willingly again, the breeder must offer it food as a reward, and give it a command by saying (stay here), and this is to later encourage the cat to use this rug and stay on top of it when eating, and this rug can be used when going to the doctor. The vet also, to keep her motionlessDuring the examination.[2] Searching the box Cats love to explore; So, when you bring a box, the cat will jump happily to explore what is inside it. This habit can be exploited to make the cat love its own box (the box in which it is carried outside the house), so that the breeder hides rewards and food inside the box, and when the cat jumps towards him, he pats it and rewards it by giving itPart of it.[2] When the cat asks for food later, it can be placed in the box and signaled for it to take it from there. Then the cat will willingly enter the box, and it can be rewarded by giving it food to encourage it after every trip outside
